sprint phone going to cricKet. i'm in the phone with LGNPST lab 1.2. I have the beezl lx265 files. The prl is 1040. when I loaded it all into the phone, LGNPST says complete. eri version comes up N/A. I hit the *228 and get the american mobile thing. what did i do wrong?? I loaded everything all at once, should I go back and reload individually?? bin, scr, prl, etc??

also, this isnt a full flash, is it?? this is just text and talk.

sorry if this is out of bounds, but i've done a ton of searching, and am just more confused by what is and what isnt. I'm hoping this becomes a thread for other newbies who are trying to get a rumor 2 (lx265) on the cricket network.

Thanks for all your help, I'll be pwning the thanks button now....