Page Plus will take all blackberry ESN's now as long as its not a black listed verizon phone. ive been activating a ton of them lately and all types of models.

They have not put an offical "allowed" message out yet but if you call customer service, they will add the ESN for you, most wont give you programming instructions, but they wont stop you from putting it on. But still I would use a dealer rather then CS any day of the week.

I put about 15 Sprint 8530's onto Page Plus last week, with fully working internet with the BB browers and Pic messaging, using the Page plus service books

You will need to buy your SPC for the phone becuase most of the new ones have there memories blocked. I always use the service up top thru gurus and have never had a problem an they are really fast.

Once you get the SPC, you can use QPST or CDMA WS to get it all dialed in for PPC. There is a link on HoFo that is a great tutorial. if you can't find one on CDMA for page plus.