Hi Guys,

So here is my story. I have an Iphone 4 with a bad esn with Verizon. Right now it is on the Verizon network, but any call you make with it goes to Verizon and asks you to use a credit card or phone card to make a call. Even the #*5005 to check the PRL, but apparently that has to do with being on 5.0.1

In any case, I am jb'd, Cydia is installed. OpenSSH is installed on the phone. I am able to log into the phone using Filezilla. I don't think this is a problem, because when I try to change the PRL, I am able to upload the carrier.plist with the PRLPushFlag set to true, reboot the phone, and the Verizon signal goes away. The thing is, I have tried multiple times to load a new PRL onto the phone. (The standard way, rename the .prl to the one that's in the Zepplin folder, also loading the plist file, reboot, then upload the plist file with the PRLPushFlag set to false, reboot). Every time I do this though, the phone remains on PRL 52633.

Any ideas how I can get the PRL changed correctly?

Thanks in advance!