Hello to all CDMA members and guests.
I go by jerboi2, yea kinda cheesy I know but it's what I have used for way to long so it sticks to like glue. Anyhow I just thought that after a year of being a member I owed it to the community to make myself known. This way I hope to give back to the #1 forum site that has given me so much help since I first became a member. I usually keep to myself and just do as much thanking as I can. I can only hope and strive to be as smart as some of the genius minds that are members of CDMA Gurus. One day maybe, but I'll most likely be six feet under by then. Until then I will continue to just search and read as much as I can. I have been doing cell phone and mobile repair for a few years, mostly hardware repairs and that's because I enjoy bringing a phone back from the dead. For the most part I do okay, that is until I read some more from the forum threads. Then I realize I only think I know what I'm doing. The people here on CDMA GURU'S are absolutely brilliant!
When it comes down to it and what I do in my life to get through a day. I realize that the GURU'S here are truely the brains and I'm just the brawn. This is why I will end this now with the biggest THANKS I can give to the forum and it's ADMINISTRATORS and yes all the members. Thank you, for helping me to think and at times thinking I'm smart. You deserve all the real credit.