Okay, I was hunting for a SPC retrieval solution other than asking someone to generate it for me or having to have a copy of CDMA Workshop.
I had read in multiple locations that LG Download, 9100 DLL Could retirieve the SPC.
Well I went out and bought another laptop.
Installed XP SP2 on it.
Loaded LG Download Pro 1.4.
Installed LG USB Modem Drivers.
Connected phone via USB Cable.
Used device manager to set port of phone to com 1.
Launched LG Download and manually loaded 9100 dll that you get from humpa's, used NV Edit to retrieve SPC (the box asks for SPC, just click ok)
Your SPC should be shown after program reads the phones memory.

So by posting here, I am confirming that this method retrieves the SPC...