I need some clarification on injecting please.

Do I need to be running itunes 8.2 or is latest itunes ok?
When performing an injection, where and what gets modified? The carrier bundle?
I can go and edit plist file in carrier bundle on the iphone using ifile or i can do it on the computer, save and package the bundle as a zip then rename to ipcc and inject using itunes??

I have the latest itunes on windows and a little older version on my mac. I enable carrier testing on both OS's. I do shift+update or option+update, select ipcc but don't see nothing happening. I look at my carrier bundle (sprint) and its not changed. I get a message in 'updating carrier settings" in itunes but no syncing nothing special...on the mac later i get a message that carrier updates, click to download and i click but nothing happens.

Help a fella out...trying to enable ota on sprint 4s to pageplus....