First of all I am not an idiot, I got ahead of myself and clicked write instead of read like a dumbass. I do however feel like an idiot. So I have always left my SPC/MSL what it should be. Due to cricket updating their OTA system for androids, I wanted to set mine to 000000 so it would OTA. Went into QXDM to read MSL as I have done with hundreds of Evos so I could send it and then write it to 000000. I was distracted and clicked write instead of read. Now my phone has a null MSL/SPC and I can't read it or write it, or do anything that requires sending the MSL first. Also can't *228 like I wanted to because it fails SPC. I have tried alot of things to fix my screwup, with no success. This includes Factory resets, different stock ruu roms, more factory resets, qxdm write attempts, CDMA WS Full version on default and htc methods, have tried sending SP Password in QMAT then writing, no luck. What I do know is if I can find a way to write to NV Location 8091, the phone will automatically reset MSL, and HDR as well as a few other NV Items on reboot. Cant write NV items without sending SPC/MSL though. Code used to be 524214 (retrieved from saved qcn file), that does not work. 000000 does not work. That just about sums it up as to where I am at. My phone does currently work but needs PRL update. No hash codes work except ##3424# and that closes out and I have to put it in again to actually get DM Mode to work. ##778# doesnt work, ##3282# doesn't work, as well as a few other random ones I have tried. All that happens is the dialer stops responding, and I have to press back to get it to respond. Any direction, help, suggestions, would be very greatly appreciated. I am hoping to avoid the need for JTAG.