New York State Attorney General Letitia James today confirmed that she continues to lead a coalition of 14 states in suing to stop the merger of T-Mobile and Sprint on anti-trust grounds, in spite of today's approval of the merger by the US Department of Justice. The states' concerns include specific issues with the deal announced today by the DoJ and Dish, for Dish to take certain assets from Sprint to build a new, fourth national carrier. The new concerns include: "Dish has never shown any inclination or ability to build a nationwide mobile network on its own and has repeatedly broken assurances to the Federal Communications Commission about deployment of its spectrum." and "T-Mobile and Sprint are asking Americans to trust that this new mega corporation will act directly against its own economic interests by helping transform Dish into an independent competitor that rivals this new company" In addition to New York, the plaintiffs currently include California, Colorado, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
