Apple is not in settlement talks with Qualcomm "at any level" and is preparing to go to trial against the chipmaker over patent fees. Apple sued Qualcomm in 2017 over what it described as illegal patent licensing practices. Apple has since ceased using Qualcomm-made modems in its mobile devices and instead relies on Intel for those components. "There is absolutely no meaningful discussion taking place between us and Qualcomm, and there is no settlement in sight," said an unnamed source to Reuters. "We are gearing up for trial." The case, which is separate from the one between the Federal Trade Commission and Qualcomm, is scheduled to go to trial early next year. Qualcomm’s chief executive, Steve Mollenkopf, told investors in July that the two companies "continue to talk." It's not clear if those talks have since broken down. Neither Apple nor Qualcomm commented on the matter. Apple hasn't paid Qualcomm royalty fees since filing the lawsuit. Reuters says another, unnamed phone maker is also disputing royalty fees with Qualcomm. The company, believed to be China's Huawei, has made a "good faith partial payment" of $500 million and the talks are ongoing.
