Rok Mobile confirmed this week that it is no longer offering service on Verizon Wireless' network. "Rok Mobile has decided not to move forward with utilizing Verizon Wireless service on our platform," said the company on its web site. The change went into effect on July 30 and left customers who relied on Verizon for service stranded. "We will continue to support our other wireless carriers and those customers that are on that service," said Rok. The MVNO originally allowed customers to purchase service from AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon. Now Rok Mobile only allows customers to purchase service on AT&T's platform. The company no longer offers service on Sprint, but Rok Mobile customers who put their service on Sprint will not lose it. Rok Mobile customers who relied on Verizon will need to port their number to AT&T's network to re-establish service. Rok Mobile apologized for the inconvenience.
