Not all heroes wear capes. Some just wield pickaxes. Trump's name was gouged out of his Hollywood Walk of Fame star overnight. According to the LA Times, Austin Clay destroyed the star with a pickaxe at 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday, and promptly called the police. An hour later, Clay walked into the Beverly Hills police headquarters and turned himself in. He was charged with suspicion of felony vandalism and held on a staggering $20,000 bail.Â- SEE ALSO: Hero ruins Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star with a pickaxe But the guy who did the same thing almost two years ago came to the rescue. TMZ reports that James Otis, who took a pickaxe to Trump's star a few days before the 2016 presidential election, paid Clay's bail in full. Apparently Otis plans on meeting with Clay as soon as he's released.Â- Otis, who is the heir to the Otis elevator company, was sentenced to three years probation and 20 days of community service. He was also fined $4,400 to replace the star.Â- Unlike Clay, who went for just smashing the star, Otis claimed he wanted to remove the whole star from the sidewalk, auction it off, and give the profits to the women who were allegedly sexually assaulted by Trump. When he realized that it would take too long, Otis decided to just destroy the whole thing, and took the TV emblem and a few letters of Trump's name.Â- Otis told the Times that he "sort of had enough with Mr. Trump's aggressive language toward women" and that he had family members who have experienced sexual violence. "It all became very personal," he said.Â- WATCH: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No. It's an inflatable Trump baby flying around London
