Verizon Wireless today said it successfully completed 5G data sessions in an outdoor environment and pushed speeds as high as 1.8 Gbps. The company, together with partner Nokia, transmitted multiple live virtual reality sessions and 4K video streams over 28 GHz spectrum using the 3GPP New Radio 5G standard. Verizon claims it saw latency as low as 1.5 milliseconds. Verizon completed the tests outdoors at its Basking Ridge facility. Previous tests were undertaken in labs. Verizon says the VR and 4K streams are activities it envisions will be common for consumers to enjoy with 5G service. The companies also successfully used 4CC (component carrier aggregation) to reach speeds up to 1.8 Gbps. In order to do this, it combined Verizon's mmWave spectrum over four channels to boost throughput. Verizon plans to deploy 5G-based broadband service in four markets during the second half of the year with mobile 5G service to follow later. Verizon and its competitors are all rushing to be first to launch 5G service. T-Mobile recently completed two-way 5G data transmissions in its lab and says it will debut 5G service later this year.
