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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
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    Default Palm Pre On metro? how can it be done

    i have a spring palm pre

    things i would love to accomplish are
    activate the phone without using devicetool.jar (using this tool unables you to use Palm Catalog)

    Flash a Metro Pcs Rom on my pre or Completly flash it over to metro pcs

    done a bunch or research and ive come up with some stuff like cygwin's way to unlock a palm pre without loosing palm catalog

    i need help guys im new to this forums and i would love to figure this stuff out

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
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    Default Re: Palm Pre On metro? how can it be done

    well shit my palm is on metro I jus updated the PRL and changed the ESN


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