The U.S. government would take over and run a portion of the country's forthcoming 5G mobile network, if President Trump's national security officials have their way. According to a memo obtained by Axios, Trump officials have pitched the Trump administration on centralizing a nationwide 5G network in order to protect against supposed Chinese threats. The memo suggested two options, the first of which would have the U.S. government pay for a build the single network, something Axios calls "an unprecedented nationalization of a historically private infrastructure." The second option would be to allow operators to build their own networks and compete as per normal, though the security officials behind the memo don't see this as a viable way to protect the country's national security. The team is debating the possibility of having the network operators work together to build the central 5G network. The Trump administration has not commented on the memo, nor have the memo's authors been publicly identified. Such a move would require the Trump administration to take drastic regulatory steps to that would overturn the existing market for wireless services. When reached for comment, AT&T said the work on 5G networks is already well under way in the private sector.
