Samsung's Notebook 9 Pen is a slender 360-degree laptop that's committed to the stylus way of doing things. Of course there's a keyboard, but this convertible laptop wants to make it easy for you to scribble, tap, and create with your hand.
Announced Wednesday night, the Notebook 9 Pen and several other Notebook 9 models will ship in Korea first, then the United States in the first quarter of 2018. Prices were not disclosed.Â-
Why this matters: Samsung announced the Notebook 9 Pen and several other laptops on Wednesday night to get ahead of the news deluge at CES. Samsung is a relatively small player in the huge U.S. PC market, so every model counts. By focusing on pen input for the Notebook 9 Pen and a few other models, it has a chance of attracting stylus enthusiasts.
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