So i got this help from a member and the problem is ..... I have never used QXMD before so i need someone to please tell me how to be able to write in that command box or gimmie a step by step on how to do this steps belows.

Your phone probably has a NAM lock to Sprints network. You have to disable the NAM lock using QXDM and type in these commands:

nv_read nam_lock (should read enabled, which we'll change in the next command)

nv_write nam_lock 0 0 (disables)

mode reset (resets the phone)

-- After that use QPST and load the PRL file again. It should stick this time.

THanks you so much in advanced! if you rather email me just make sure to put Subject cus its probably going to junk folder. My email -> [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]