Facebook today said forthcoming changes to the news feed will see it showing more stories that load quickly and fewer stories that load slowly. The change is being made based on user feedback. "We’ve heard from people that it’s frustrating to click on a link that leads to a slow-loading webpage," explained Facebook in a blog post. "In fact, even more broadly on the internet, we've found that when people have to wait for a site to load for too long, they abandon what they were clicking on all together." Moving forward, Facebook will take into account the estimated load time of web sites that are accessed via links posted to Facebook. The social network will factor in the individual's network connection as well as the general load times of the web site in question. Web sites that have shorter load times will appear higher in the news feed than those that have longer load times. Facebook said it is making this change slowly over the coming months. Google already prioritizes faster web sites over slower ones, particularly on mobile devices.
