Qualcomm today made its Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine SDK available to all developers. The SDK was first announced in May 2016 and has been in limited testing with select partners since the third quarter of 2016. Today signals the wide release of the SDK. The SDK will allow smartphone and other hardware manufacturers to add their own machine learning programs to devices with Snapdragon 600 and Snapdragon 800 series mobile platforms. Qualcomm says it is ideal for applications in industries including mobile, automotive, healthcare, security, and imaging. The Neural Processing Engine SDK relies on Qualcomm's Zeroth Machine Intelligence Platform. Zeroth is already baked into the Snapdragon processors. Qualcomm says the SDK will enable typical deep learning behaviors such as scene detection, text recognition, object tracking and avoidance, facial recognition, and natural language processing.. The SDK includes a bevy of tools to help developers create and add such learning behaviors to their devices.
