In today's "Not The Onion" news, an American Airlines flight supposedly had to evacuate all its passengers after a person "passed gas," causing violent episodes of nausea and headaches.- Except that this isn't true. SEE ALSO: Sorry everyone, but that shocking Amelia Earhart photo has been debunked — twice The story, which originally appeared on local WNCN-TV, quotes an unidentified spokesperson with Raleigh-Durham International Airport as saying that all passengers were taken off the plane after it landed at around 4 p.m. The incident allegedly started when passengers on the flight "became ill with nausea and headaches" spurred by a foul-smelling odor in the cabin. However, American Airlines spokesman Ross Feinstein categorically denied this report. Feinstein told Mashable that "the flight was not evacuated, and the story is not true".- He said the plane had a odor issue, but that was due to a mechanical fault, not "passed gas." “We did have an aircraft from Charlotte to RDU this afternoon, that landed at 2:19 p.m. ET, and arrived the gate at 2:21 p.m. ET, that is currently out of service for an actual mechanical issue – and odor in the cabin. But it is not due to 'passed gas' as mentioned,”-Feinstein said. A spokesman at the airport, Andrew Sawyer, also confirmed that the plane was not evacuated, and said the whole incident was about a passenger who had to receive medical help after a foul smell: "A medical call for someone overcome by an odor was received after the plane deplaned normally," he said.- The story was picked up by many news outlets, including NBC, The Daily Telegraph, and Fox News: Passengers on an American Air flight to Raleigh were forced to evacuate after someone 'passed gas,' officials said — NBC Charlotte (@wcnc) July 17, 2017 American Airlines flight evacuated in Raleigh, NC due to epic fart. ? @BAMedia45 @Grimerica @RT_com — FRINGE Media (@FreidrichDean) July 17, 2017 Image: google/screenshot WATCH: How ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 2 diverged from the comics
