Originally Posted by
rich hathaway
hey brother,when you sent me that pm,you are asking me to give you something i paid for and have no right to give or sell.this community is one of respect such that when someone takes the time to make a solution and post it to be available for everyone to purchase, it is only there's to use privately,not to be shared for free or to be sold by anyone but the creator until he-she decides to post it for free AND NOT BEFORE!! and as far as my being a little bitch,if you would have botherd to read the forum rules you would have seen that questions dont belong in pm's the forum doesnt work if we use pm's like that. when there is a answer posted for your question how can it help anyone else when it is hidden in a pm ?? please keep your name calling to your self or in your pm's you see that is more what they are for.where you can talk about whomever however you like.you make yourself look very ignorant and foolish posting about how you break the rules and get a warning,blaming it on me. i-we help alot of people here everyday,not because we have to,i would make more money focusing that time on my store,but we are a freindly community that goes beyond to help beginers and seasoned vet's alike but we have rules,so try following them. you will get alot further not only here but in all the forums. the owner of this forum has asked that people requesting solutions thru pm's be forwarded to him (for your information).