What, was the grass supposed to cut itself? A particularly diligent man in Alberta, Canada, was recently photographed mowing his lawn as a tornado swirled menacingly in the distance.- SEE ALSO: America's newest eye in the sky is proving itself one tornado outbreak at a time Theunis Wessels told the Canadian Pressthat he was "keeping an eye on it" and that the twister was moving away from the house as he pushed the red mower along. His wife, Cecilia, said she snapped the photo to show her parents in South Africa, who rarely see tornados. Cecilia Wessels wasn't the only resident of Three Hills, Alberta, to capture the two-toned tornado as it swirled through the small town last Friday. Videos cropped up in recent days showing the 31-mile-an-hour twister rattling trees and ripping across the grass.- No injuries were reported from the tornado, though some photos show downed trees and a barn with its roof ripped off, the Canadian Press reported. Other images showed driveways slick with tiny spheres of hail. Just 27 minutes after the first tornado alert was issued, Alberta emergency officials reported the tornado threat was over. WATCH:
