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    iPhone Moderator, Trusted Guru &
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    Default My no proxy solution for working in & out mms and upgrade to wm6.1 on treo 700 wx

    since cain released a different solution for this yesterday,i doubt if i am gonna be selling this to much i am just gonna post it. for those of you who purchased it from me thanks!

    it looks like alot,but really its simple,i can do it in a few minutes.

    here it is...
    [ hide-thanks]

    this is a no proxy solution tutorial for working incomming and outgoing picture messages on a palm treo 700 wx.

    this will also work on other win-mobile phones,but not the upgrade it is for treo 700wx only,you will have to search for the proper upgrade for your other models.

    please read this entire solution before proceeding.

    this works on sprint,alltel,or verizon.700wx

    first of all i am not taking credit for web or evdo on this phone as they have been created by mr.Psuedonym,berry_Ithrird,randomwit,and
    others.part of this solution will be using some of the same settings they made,i will be modding them for the use of 2 different networks on
    this device,so what i am taking credit for is evrything that has to do with the picture messages and the creating of 2 completely different
    connections working together at the same time without having to "switch" them from one to the other to get web and pics both working together.

    below is the link to the prolific drivers for the serial cable
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    below is the link for the firmware we will be using for the sprint and alltel models. however i would suggest you also use it for the verizon

    to get rid of anything that might be problematic,although you do not have to with that one,but this solution does work better with windows
    mobile 6.1 so that is what we will do first. also we will be reformatting so back up everything that you want to save that is on the device
    because you will loose everything on it.

    here is the link for the windows mobile 6.1 we will be using,it is verizon but will work fine on sprint or altell.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    to do this you will need a sd card that will fit your treo (on the slot on the top),next format that card into a "fat32" this is the only format that will do.
    for those of you having problems with that,insert your card into your computer,go to my computer,then right click on that drive with the card
    then click "format" and your done,if you are getting an error about it being write protected then you will need to flip that little switch

    on the side of the card,it turns on and off the write protection,look closely it is there.

    ok now that we have our fat32 fomat on our card,next we will download the link above for wm 6.1 if you have room on your card "256mb" or
    larger put the rar right on the card and then unpack it there also. it will unpaack in a .nbo format,that is what we want.

    next lets pull the battery out,insert the card, then while holding the up volume button on the side,insert the battery and
    continue holding up battery until you see "press up to update rom image" do that,make sure your phone is plugged in when doing this as it will drain

    your battery fast and stop in the middle of the download proccess,and we do not want that, lets just say it would be bad.this will take 10
    minutes or so. when done and completely rebooted,pull the battery once more and re-insert it.

    now follow one of those other tutorials to get your talk,text,and web working,(mr pseudonym's) is well written and easy to follow,but use what
    ever one you choose just so the end result is working talk,text,and web if you want it. we do not have to have web working for pictures on
    this phone but we do have to have web working (provisioned)on the cricket account ,as pic's work thru web on the cricket side but not the
    phone side for this phone only.

    ok,from here on in i will guide you thru the setup for mms with web pre installed,the proccess is a little different if you do not have web already.

    now run through the setup on the phone for alignment and time and date and get to the home screen.

    tap start,then tap settings,then connections,then connections again,then advanced,then select networks,ok here is where we are going to create

    a new network connection just for the exclusive use of mms.

    there are 2 set's of connections under the network management screen,that is where we are now. we want the one on the bottom,it should say

    my isp,now tap edit and tap and hold on each of the existing connections there and then select delete until there are no more connections there.

    now tap new,and enter a name different than the on you used for your connection on the other side of the phone for internet,i am choosing

    cricket mms,enter that in there under modem select cellular line,tap next,the next screen for the number to be dialed out enter #777,tap
    next, then enter your user name [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] ,(put your phone number where the 0's are),then the password will be cricket
    evrything will be all lower case, leave domain blank.

    then tap advanced,then tap the little circle for use specific ip address and then enter the cricket ip for your area,ours in the midwest (kansas city) is then tap ok at the top of the screen,then tap finish

    now almost done,ok now hit the windows button on the top of the keypad on the left next to the green call/phone button then tap sms,this is

    how you are going to get to mms on this phone you can only get to mms thru the sms tab,so do that then tap menu,then options,now make sure

    that automatically collect mms messages and the other 2 boxes are checked then tap advanced,then check manual,then tap edit,then you will be

    at THE EDIT NETWORK CONFIG. screen to do the last of this hack.leave the first box (mess. cntr. number) blank, for the second one change the

    value to "8080" without the quotes, then the mms gateway will be also just to help, the semicolon is

    tricky to find,you have to tap the on screen keyboard at the bottom and then tap 123 at the top left and then it will be on that screen. ok

    the mms url:[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and last the bottom field (network profile) tap the triangle and select the value (name)

    that you gave the conection we made for "my isp" mine was mine was cricket mms. IF YOU DONT SEE YOUR NAME YOU MADE THERE JUST SELECT THE

    PARENT FOLDER NAME WHICH WAS MY ISP. then tap ok twice and

    [ /hide-thanks]
    Last edited by rich hathaway; 01-30-2011 at 02:48 PM.


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