White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer apparently skipped WWII day in his high school history class.Â- Spicer found himself at the mercy of the internet (yet again) on Tuesday after he delivered some especially alternative facts during the White House daily press briefing. SEE ALSO: Sean Spicer was once a terrifying White House Easter Bunny While answering a question on the alliance between Russia and Syria, Spicer incorrectly stated that Hitler did not engage in chemical warfare during World War II. "We didn't use chemical weapons in World War II," Spicer said. "You know, you had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn't even sink to using chemical weapons."Â- Fact check: The Nazis infamously used chemical weapons during World War II by gassing millions, most of whom were Jewish, in gas chambers mostly located in concentration camps.Â- When called out for the comment, Spicer stumbled his way through a clarification by trying to say that Hitler did use chemical weapons, but in a different way than the recent chemical attack in Syria.Â- He also referred to concentration camps as "Holocaust centers" so, there's that. Here's what the assembled White House reporters thought of his explanation: The two best reactions to listening to @seanspicer try to explain the Holocaust... pic.twitter.com/wmrbhYbqVz — Marcus Gilmer (@marcusgilmer) April 11, 2017 UPDATE: April 11, 2017, 12:23 p.m. PDT Spicer later added a clarification to his clarification.Â- A clarification on his clarification, @PressSec says this: pic.twitter.com/w0wmfFA0Do — Elizabeth Landers (@ElizLanders) April 11, 2017 The internet took it upon itself to school Spicer on his poor choice of words and outright misunderstanding of WWII basics. .@seanspicer "Even Hitler didn't use chemical weapons." pic.twitter.com/nDfh68Ukp1 — Selvena Brooks (@SelvenaBrooks31) April 11, 2017 MSNBC with the winning chyron. pic.twitter.com/BxVFpBooVF — Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) April 11, 2017 Have to comment on this: Sean Spicer: "Even Hitler didn't use chemical weapons." No, he just sent millions to the gas chambers. #seanspicer pic.twitter.com/0vnf0kz465 — Glen Librach (@superglen1) April 11, 2017 We got "Holocaust Center" and "Refused to Volunteer" in the same week. I'll be fluent in doublespeak by the weekend. https://t.co/AHxxsy1z9s — jelani cobb (@jelani9) April 11, 2017 Even Hitler did not use chemical weapons? Did you attend school, Sean Spicer? Go to the Holocaust Museum in DC immediately. You are so dumb. pic.twitter.com/bW0VQTKdKY — Annie B Hause (@AnastasiaBhause) April 11, 2017 Sean Spicer: "Even Hitler didn't use chemical weapons.." Me: ... pic.twitter.com/Hhyi4VqjMW — Tiffany Louisville (@TLo_allidoiswin) April 11, 2017 White House press secretary Sean Spicer: "You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn't even sink to using chemical weapons." pic.twitter.com/fczaleBkPm — Unstoppable BK  (@Jahprince718) April 11, 2017 Watching Sean Spicer say Hitler didn't use chemical weapons during this Passover-week press briefing like: pic.twitter.com/mzeY2zSpp7 — Maggie Burgess (@EmKayBeee) April 11, 2017 Hey @seanspicer, next time ur in Chicago u should visit @ihmec. My mom would happily educate u on the use of chemical weapons by the Nazi's. pic.twitter.com/KO1DRyAHVj — Jake Counselbaum (@jakecbaum) April 11, 2017 WATCH: Sean Spicer just cannot get the Prime Minister of Australia's name right
