Blizzards are best spent wrapped up in a well-worn sweater and all the blankets a couch can support.- But what about when you're a chicken? Good question. Great question. Egg-cellent question (sorry). SEE ALSO: Kind man dresses wild toad in wonderful, tiny hats to make a little boy happy It's a little-known fact that egg production goes way down for chickens living in tough winter conditions from a combination of low temperature and limited daylight hours. Lots of chickens aren't cut out for New England's winters — some breeds shed their feathers, while others from more tropical climates aren't used to the significantly colder temperatures.- Luckily for these chilly chickens, a group of Boston-area retirees has banded together to knit chicken-sized sweaters to help them fend off the cold. Does it come in green? Of course it does. Image: AP/REX/Shutterstock Barbara Stevens holds Prince Peep, who, again, is a chicken. Image: AP/REX/Shutterstock A knitting group at the Fuller Village retirement home in Milton, Massachusetts, was inspired to undertake the project after they "heard about the hardships that some chickens suffer this time of year," according to the Associated Press. Honestly, these chickens have never looked better. Someone get this rooster an agent. Image: AP/REX/Shutterstock Their nonchalance is truly selling the garment.- The knitting group said that the project helped them as well— one found it "calming," while another said it helped her overcome her fear of birds.- Even better, a spokesperson for the estate that owns the chickens said that "egg production has jumped noticeably since the birds began wearing them." Good news all around! WATCH: This transparent bowl swing is what cat dreams are made of
