Attorney General Jeff Sessions, facing sharp criticism over his failure to disclose two meetings he had with the Russian ambassador during last year’s election campaign, said today that he would recuse himself from any investigation into Russian contacts with the Trump-campaign. “I should not be involved in investigating a campaign I had a role in,” Sessions said at a hastily called press conference at the Justice Department. The embattled attorney general-said he-had already been-planning to take that step,-after consulting-with top Justice-Department-ethics advisers,-even before the Washington Post reported-Wednesday-night that he had failed to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee about-the-two meetings he had last year with Sergey Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the United States.-Sessions,-in response to-a question during his confirmation hearing about reports of “a continuing exchange of information” between Russian officials and the Trump campaign, volunteered that he “did not have communications with the Russians.” Sessions, who was a senator at the time, was also a key adviser to Donald Trump during the campaign.
