Apple is taking Qualcomm to court in the U.K. over patent-licensing fees. Apple filed a similar lawsuit against Qualcomm in the U.S. Apple alleges that Qualcomm using unfair practices to license its chips and technology. At the heart of the matter is how Qualcomm works its contracts. It charges companies to use its chips, including mobile processors and cellular radios, but also charges a separate technology licensing fee that's based on the total retail price of the device in which the chips are used. Apple says Qualcomm "unfairly insisted on charging royalties for technologies they have nothing to do with." The FTC in the U.S. and the associated governmental bodies in the European Union and in Korea have filed similar complaints against Qualcomm. The FTC's complaint revealed that Qualcomm effectively forced Apple to use only Qualcomm chips for several versions of the iPhone. Qualcomm hasn't responded to Apple's latest legal action.
