Sulu has things to say. Last night President Trump held his first major address to a joint session of Congress. It was his first major speech since his inauguration and, as usual, there was a lot of trolling done by both the internet and the Democratic women of Congress. SEE ALSO: George Takei Reading Erotic Fan Fiction Will Blow Your Trekkie Mind However, once Trump's speech started, no one was laughing. The hour long address featured his future policies on everything from immigration to education. Many celebrities voiced their outrage on Twitter, but the loudest voice seemed to be that of George Takei, Star Trek veteran and activist.- In a series of tweets, Takei managed to not only share his feelings about the joint session but call Trump out on many of his hypocrisies. - You can't be "a country united against hate" when your AG is a racist, your VP attacks LGBTs, and your top advisor is a White Nationalist. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 - You're not making "communities safer for everyone" by doing the NRA's bidding and making it easier for mentally ill folks to buy guns. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 - You're not "draining the swamp" by appointing a billionaire dimwit as head of Education and an oilman CEO as head of State. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 - They say repeal and replace. You know what I want to see replaced? The GOP Congress. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 "We cannot allow a beachhead of terrorism form inside America." Yes. And let's start by putting a stop to Radical White Supremacist Terror. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 Takei may have been speaking out about important issues but he also injected his trademark sense of humor into some of his tweets. Pay attention: "Access to healthcare" is not healthcare. I have "access" to Ryan Reynolds. But he's not covering me. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 - Rebuke and Replace. #2018Midterms — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 Towards the middle of the address, the Star Trek star had to take a quick break to take care of himself. Sorry, just had to get up to go throw up. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 But, he was back to call out Trump's claim that education is the "civil rights issue of our time" and rename the Supreme Court. Since education is the "civil rights issue of our time," Betsy DeVos will be handing out vouchers for the back of the bus. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 After this first Joint Session, I worry about what the SOTUs will be like. Maybe we'll just call them STFUs. — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 In the end, Takei summed up how everyone felt about the session. The Democrats cleared out like someone had just passed some nasty gas in Congress. Oh wait... — George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 1, 2017 Oh my, we can only hope Takei narrates all of Trump's speeches. BONUS: George Takei Talks Facebook and EdgeRank Sharing in New Book
