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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Is there any chance this smells like scamminess.

    Sorry if I wrote this thread in the wrong category but I need a little suggestions. I found a website that drops you you some goodies like time and cd serials for you completing surveys. It really doesn't seem to be a phishing attempt, and it doesn't ask me to download anything or ask my account information . Should I try it? Does anyone by chance know of any urls like this place that definitely ARE NOT going to cheat me?

  2. #2
    ?LOST? whitey10tc's Avatar
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    My first thought was to delete you post as spam. But because there are no links we'll move it to the free for all section sense it has absolutely nothing to do with any carriers.

  3. #3
    Mr._Administrator Mr._Pseudonym's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feltaurenj View Post
    Sorry if I wrote this thread in the wrong category but I need a little suggestions. I found a website that drops you you some goodies like time and cd serials for you completing surveys. It really doesn't seem to be a phishing attempt, and it doesn't ask me to download anything or ask my account information . Should I try it? Does anyone by chance know of any urls like this place that definitely ARE NOT going to cheat me?
    :^/ Good question. My own advice is that anything that sounds too good to be true likely is too good to be true. Or put another way, anything you get for free eventually costs more than it's worth, but you don't find out until later.

    Or consider that you've lived all of your life to this day without owning the free item on offer, and gotten along just fine, so do you really need it now?
    Official CricKet Mafia member


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