MediaTek today announced the Helio X30 system-on-chip, its most advanced mobile processor for smartphones. The chip relies on a 10nm process, which gives it 2.4 times more processing power and 60% more efficiency when compared to MediaTek's 16nm process. The X30 is a 10-core processor with a tri-cluster architecture. It has two ARM Cortex A73 cores at 2.5 GHz, four A53 cores at 2.2 GHz, and four A35 cores at 1.9 GHz. This gives the chip the ability to handle high-intensity tasks as well as low-power tasks. It is paired with the Imagination PowerVR Series7XT Plus GPU clocked at 800 MHz. As for connectivity, the Helio X30 includes support for Cat 10 LTE, three-channel carrier aggregation on the downlink and two-channel carrier aggregation on the uplink. MediaTek claims the X30 SoC is the first to support 4K2K 10-bit HDR10 video decoding in smartphones. It also incorporates two 14-bit image signal processors supporting dual cameras up to 16 megapixels. The Xelio X30 is already sampling and MediaTek expects to see it in devices during the second quarter of the year.
