I used to think that we were past the days of the iSheeple and the Crapdroid wars. But based on recent goings-on at 1600 Pennsylvnia Avenue, it looks like unabashed favorism is back in style. We already knew that President Trump favors an old ( and unsecure ) Android phone for his tweeting, most likely an old Samsung Galaxy S3 or S4 device. We also knew that he's not an Apple fan, as he's previously called for a boycott on Apple products, and he obviously dislikes any American firm producing overseas. But Trump's preference for Samsung seems to be growing by the day. Earlier, he chose to tweet a link to an Axios article, which discusses the possibility of Samsung moving a factory to the US. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/...07267632164868 This is exactly the same kind of story that's been in the press a lot lately. Electronics companies, including Apple , have all be linked to rumors about moving manufacturing stateside, although the jobs implications of such a move -(and whether it would ever happen) are still up in the air . Yet, Trump has only chosen to tweet in favor of Samsung. No matter that Foxconn, Apple's manufacturing partner, has discussed the possibility of a US factory in a bunch of places. Never mind that Apple is one of the America's most-loved brands, with sizeable R&D investment in the country. No, an electronics company owned by a family-run conglomerate, currently under legal scrutiny , is Trump's new favorite company. The Trump tweet had the predictable results: a traffic boost for Axios, a new media company that has already kissed Trump's ring at an off-the-record cocktail party ; and a share bump for Samsung, based on a highly speculative interview.
