What files do you need? We might be able to point you in the right direction. Most if not all you need should be available right here in this very forum. If not let us know and we can try and help.
What files do you need? We might be able to point you in the right direction. Most if not all you need should be available right here in this very forum. If not let us know and we can try and help.
You will need the service books for Metro PCS. There are a few out there that are free. I think they are right here on Gurus if I am not mistaken.
If not they will be tomorrow, Tony said he'd post both his cricket and Metro books months ago. So if they aren't I'll ask him if I can.
I'm getting a Blackberry 8330 sometime this week...is there a solution to this problem yet? is it possible to just write a prl to it?
Yeah, I got all the software to write the files in to the phone , but I can not find it to download. My phone was a verizon phone.
Any help would be appreciated.