With the massive success of Pokemon Go and the big download numbers enjoyed by Super Mario Run , Nintendo is going full-speed ahead on its plan to embrace mobile devices. As reported by MacRumors , President of Nintendo, Tatsumi Kimishima, told Japan's Kyoto NP that it's planning to launch several more mobile games throughout 2017 and beyond. Kimishima was mum on specifics, but revealed that at least two and possibly three new Nintendo apps would arrive in 2017, and that pattern could continue indefinitely. That is, of course, assuming the games meet the company's expectations, which after the immediate success of Super Mario Run are probably sky-high. Super Mario Run -already has the honor of being the fastest mobile game ever to pass 25 million downloads, and despite only being out for about a week at this point, it managed to already top the 50 million download mark as well. Kimishima told Kyoto NP that he expects the game to top 100 million in the days to come. As for Nintendo's continued app push, there's-been no official word as to what is coming next. Earlier in the year, Nintendo announced that it was working on apps based on the Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem properties, though the company ended up pushing those back in order to focus on Super Mario Run instead. It's important to note that, like Super Mario Run , it's likely that Nintendo's next apps won't necessarily be formal entries into any of its established franchises. Instead, they'll be offshoots meant to generate interest in Nintendo properties and give fans something to play while they're not enjoying the real games, which appear-exclusively on Nintendo consoles.
