New York City this week made it possible to pay for parking via smartphone. ParkNYC is an app that motorists can use to register their car with the NYC parking system and make payments for parking spots in midtown Manhattan. The service is being offered by the city's Department of Transportation with help from Parkmobile. Properly parked cars' details will be added to NYPD traffic enforcement agents' handheld devices, allowing officers to verify payment details. The app offers alerts to let motorists know when their parking time is about to expire and in some instances will offer them the ability to extend their parking time via additional payments. DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg said that while the service is limited to portions of Manhattan at launch, it will expand to all 85,000 parking spaces citywide by summer 2017. The ParkNYC app is free to download from the Google Play Store and iTunes App Store.
