Facebook today announced Caffe2go, an artificial intelligence client that it is adding to its mobile applications for Android and iOS. Caffe2go is able to condense computations by a factor of 100, allowing it to efficiently perform neural network and machine learning tasks on mobile devices. The first practical use of Caffe2go within Facebook is a new set of filters that Facebook is adding to its in-app video tool. Moving forward, Facebook users will be able to apply a variety of stylized filters to their video in real time as they shoot the video -- similar to what Prisma recently announced. Facebook has prioritized video and is adding features to its mobile video repertoire at a steady clip. Facebook says that while the new video filters are the first to take advantage of Caffe2go, the artificial intelligence will be given more responsibility over time. Moreover, Facebook plans to let developers to use Caffe2go within their own Facebook-related apps. The social network intends to open-source some of the AI framework over time.
