In just one week, it'll all be over. November 8th is election day and this long, strange trip will finally come to an end so that a new long, strange trip can begin. The polls are closer than ever following FBI Director James Comey's unprecedented announcement that the FBI is reopening its probe into-Clinton's email... thanks to none other than Anthony Weiner. That's right, this election cycle is so incredibly ridiculous-that even Anthony Weiner will play a role. Apple doesn't like to play favorites — at least not publicly — but the company decided to have a little fun in the iOS App Store, using slogans from both sides of the fence to promote apps following its latest refresh. DON'T MISS:- This iPhone 7 video review from a hardcore Android fan is making Android users want to switch As noted on Twitter by MacStories editor-in-chief- Federico Viticci , Apple updated the App Store with a few new promotional sections that use plays on Trump and Clinton's campaign slogans. In one section that highlights several different sticker packs for iMessage, the title reads "Make Chats Great Again," which is obviously inspired by Trump's ever popular "Make America Great Again" slogan. Elsewhere on the page, you'll find a section of cat-themed apps labeled "I'm with Purr," which is clearly a-play on one of-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's most widely used tag lines, "I'm with Her." As a reminder, the U.S. presidential election takes place on Tuesday, November 8th. Be sure to vote.
