Halloween 2016 is officially behind us, and the day after Halloween is all about looking back through all your pictures to see everyone's costumes. It's also always fun to dig around online and see all of the creative costumes people came up with for themselves... and for their pets, obviously. Some people spent weeks or even months planning out their Halloween costumes, and they managed to put together some truly impressive creations. As impressive as some of those-costumes were, there can be only one official winner and we found it. MUST SEE:- This iPhone 7 video review from a hardcore Android fan is making Android users want to switch Behold: https://twitter.com/heathwblack/stat...98797044064256 Posted on Twitter by user @heathwblack , the photo above shows a Southwest Airlines employee at the-Salt Lake International Airport in Salt Lake City, Utah. As you can see, she's dressed as an exploding Galaxy Note 7 smartphone. You'll all recall that Samsung had to discontinue its Note 7 smartphone last month-due to a defect that caused some handsets to burst into flames. Even before Samsung's second round of recalls were issued, airlines around the world began banning passengers from carrying the Galaxy Note 7 on their person or in checked baggage. All you need to know to understand why is read this story about a Note 7 that caught fire inside the cabin of an airplane. The Note 7 might be discontinued, but it can at least enjoy one last hurrah as the costume that won Halloween 2016.
