What surprises will Donald Trump have in store for us during tonight's debate? Only time will tell, but in true Trump fashion the Republican candidate is bringing yet another surprising and somewhat confusing debate guest, Barack Obama's Kenyan-born half-brother, Malik. SEE ALSO: Trump invites Obama's half-brother on stage, but nobody knows why Trump made waves during the second debate after he was accompanied by three women who had accused former president Bill Clinton of inappropriate sexual behavior — Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick — along with Kathy Shelton, whose alleged rapist was defended by Clinton in the past. Many find Trump's debate guests puzzling, considering the fact that his opponent is in fact Hillary Clinton, and not her husband Bill or President Barack Obama. Also perplexing is that Trump's selection of debate guests has the sole purpose of causing provocation. In the past, these guest spots have been used for family members and prominent supporters.- Following the latest news, Americans are joining in. In the latest game of political trivia, Twitter users are deciding who Trump should throw into the mix on Wednesday night. Some people are suggesting Trump invite his brother from another mother , Russian President Vladimir Putin. His favorite person in the world - Putin in the front row glaring at Clinton #TrumpDebateGuests — Steven Nelson (@stevennelson899) October 19, 2016 He should just bring Putin & be done w/ it. He can run to the audience when Hilary's speaking & give Putin a neck massage #TrumpDebateGuests — Helena Baptiste (@sumbodysbabygrl) October 19, 2016 #TrumpDebateGuests His close friend and ally Vladimir Putin — Lori Pope Luther (@LoriPLuther) October 19, 2016 #TrumpDebateGuests —- let me guess...... #Putin? pic.twitter.com/m8Z2SkcslE — djvjgrrl (@djvjgrrl) October 19, 2016 Others feel he should extend an invite to Julian Assange to help bring more attention to Clinton's email scandal. #TrumpDebateGuests sould include #JulianAssange from @wikileaks. — Qwen (@qwen25munch) October 19, 2016 Julian Assange carrying a box with Hillary's missing 33,000 emails & destroyed Blackberry pieces #TrumpDebateGuests — Alex Jordan (@alexmjordan) October 19, 2016 And in keeping with Trump's trend, many people are simply suggesting additional figures who -play no major role in this election. Cop who wrote Hillary a j-walking ticket in 64'...#TrumpDebateGuests — SomeAssNamedCarl (@RealCarlHardt) October 19, 2016 The Hawaiian doctor who remembers President Obama's mom wasn't there when he was born. #TrumpDebateGuests — Nicole (@NicoleMT16) October 19, 2016 #trumpdebateguests Chelsea's best friend from kindergarten's mom's ex-boyfriend — Arthur Goldman (@AdolfDorf) October 19, 2016 That person who insisted peas in guacamole was a good thing. #TrumpDebateGuests — MHarvey (@mharvey816) October 19, 2016 Charles Manson via Skype. #TrumpDebateGuests — Glenn Mann (@yourdamnnews) October 18, 2016 #TrumpDebateGuests The Geico Camel pic.twitter.com/fRGNFtULuG — Joker (@13NVESTR13) October 19, 2016 A Nickelback cover band #TrumpDebateGuests — Crutnacker (@Crutnacker) October 19, 2016 In addition to Malik Obama, reports indicate Trump will also be bringing Patricia Smith, the woman who accused Clinton of "murdering" her son, Benghazi victim Sean Smith, to the debate. Whatever happens, it's bound to be an interesting night.-
