With the Galaxy Note 7- finally dead , millions of smartphone owners-are faced with a dilemma: which smartphone do they choose now that their phone has been recalled and discontinued? Although many-will stick with Android, analysts believe that Apple will benefit greatly from the Note 7 scandal . DON'T MISS:- A month with the iPhone 7 In a recent report, KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo-said that he expects that between 5 million and 7 million-customers-who have purchased or would have purchased a Note 7 will end up buying an iPhone 7.-KGI-says that many Samsung fans will give up on the brand altogether, and there are surveys to support this line of thinking . Although there are plenty of diehard brand loyalists (and brand haters) in the world, KGI believes-that it won't take much to sway a disgruntled Note 7 owner to iOS. There's no question that, in spite of its battery issues, the Note 7 was a fantastic device, but the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus aren't exactly a downgrade. That said, some Note 7 owners have decided to hold on to their phones , refusing to heed the advice of Samsung and the federal government. It might be hard to convince these individuals to switch to an iPhone, but for more reasonable, safety-conscious customers, the recall could be a perfect opportunity to give Apple a shot. As 9to5Mac reminds us , Apple will release its first earnings report since the launch of the iPhone 7 on October 25th. That might be too early to see a significant impact from the Note 7 fallout, but it certainly won't hurt Apple's outlook.
