The best trailers leave us wanting more. A taste of the movie, but not enough to spoil the big action scenes or emotional moments. That's all it takes to make an effective trailer (and some solid editing—that's important too), but studios seem to get it wrong more often than right. But there's also the rare trailer that actually manages to so perfectly encapsulate what a movie is- supposed- to be, that the actual movie can't live up to it. SEE ALSO:- Yet another reason the iPhone is superior to Android On Friday, Screen Rant shared a new video highlighting ten amazing movie trailers that ended up being better than the movies they were supposed to be hyping up. The first (and the most recent) is Suicide Squad trailer, which had everyone convinced that Warner Bros. and DC were back on track. The 26% on Rotten Tomatoes would seem to suggest we were wrong. The Phantom Menace similarly had everyone excited about a new Star Wars trilogy. After the success of the first three movies, there was no way George Lucas could screw the franchise up, right? Wrong. The Phantom Menace (and its subsequent sequels) very nearly killed Star Wars for good. Other noteworthy additions include Spider-Man 3 , Watchmen and Pearl Harbor , but they're all incredible case studies in how easy it can be to fool an audience into believing that a trailer truly represents the final product. Watch the full video from Screen Rant below:
