Vine today announced a significant shakeup to its core product that it hopes will entice more people to use the video-looping app. Vine is now allowing people to capture and attach video up to 140 seconds, a huge increase from the 6-second limit that's been a core part of the service since it launched. Vine says people will still see 6-second looping videos, but some will be tagged with a "watch more" button. Video creators can make and attach longer videos to their Vines, in effect using the 6-second loop as a trailer for their longer video. The longer videos won't be limited to square shapes. Vine says the videos can be shot full screen in landscape or portrait orientations. Vine is calling all of these changes an experiment. Only some of Vine's most popular creators will be able to capture and post longer videos to start, though everyone will be able to view them. Vine hopes to expand the new video capturing feature to more creators over time. Moreover, Vine is prepared to share revenue with its popular video creators. Some of these changes will be reflected on Twitter, too. Twitter users will be able to attach videos up to 140 seconds to their Tweets (up from 30 seconds), and Twitter is adding a new Watch Mode to its mobile app that will collect and curate videos for users to watch. The changes to Vine and Twitter are rolling out over the next few days.
