This was meant ONLY for premo for a reason. I'd like to keep it that way.
Thanks cdmaflasher
Didn't realize I grabbed those from the premo section over there, thought it was the non-premium section.
If you need these drivers, please sign up for premium section on Mo-Fi, where they are for sale by the original creator.
This was meant ONLY for premo for a reason. I'd like to keep it that way.
Thanks cdmaflasher
Favorite Quote: "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination" <Albert Einstein>
R29kIElzIEdvb2Q=Code:Latest Petition: "Do i have to pay you to teach me how to flash?" My Response: "Are you seriously asking this question?"
Seems that the link provided, is just that a link to to premo area. There's nothing posted against our rules, because it links back to the original source and is also clearly stated.
But for the fact that you must be a premo member of the other forum,I am closing this thread as it provides enough advertising for premo area.
Thread closed!