Exclusive from : xeudoxus

Alright xUltimate has been updated to v2 What this means is that you do not need your phone connect to your computer to deodex. So you can just manually place the .odex files in (\origi_frame\) and (\origi_app\) and it will deodex. You can also transfer the .odex files from your phone like the last version.

It should not be as buggy as before. Also some of the features still have not been updated yet for newer roms. (I will be working on this in the next couple days to try and bring the "patches" up to speed)

I have added some standalone tools (Tools that do not need to be in the main xUltimate dir)

On most of the xUltimate standalone's I have added some example files in the .zip's so you can see how it operates.

Also Ill be posting the old change log for xUltimate main (When I find it lol , I saved it from google cache after it was lost)


xUltimate Main v2.2 Deodexing has been fixed for Froyo, DroidX and Captivate. Also Clock color change for DroidX has been added (Should work on all Samsung, Droid, "Stock" phone. HTC phone support will be next)

xUltimate Color Converter will convert hex color codes to the proper binary color code for editing colors in smali
Usage: xUltimate-CC {RRGGBB}

xUltimate Theme/MM Optimizer will opt_png and zip_align all .png's and .apk's in a MM .zip or update.zip or whatever .zip (It will also remove any .db files)

xUltimate Draw9Patch Compiler will compile correctly made .9.png's so you dont have to use eclipse or motodevtools anymore. Look at the example files in the .zip and you'll see how to process your entire theme at once if you wanted.

xUltimate Froyo Transparency Fix will patch Froyo's services.jar so that status bar notification bg is transparent (and others) "UPDATED for new Droid X Froyo"

xUltimate Auto Brightness Patcher will patch your automatic minimum backlight brightness. 16 is stock and adjustable to (2, 5, 7, 10, 13, and 16) (Works on Froyo, maybe others)

There are no viruses in any of the files, here is a example of [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

-[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] UPDATED 8/23/10



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[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] UPDATED 8/23/10 (XP Support, Bug Fix, DroidX)
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] UPDATED 8/23/10 (XP Support, Bug Fix, DroidX)
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Thanx goes to