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  1. #1
    Premium Member Pac3comm1's Avatar
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    Default Google Finds Themselves In a Pickle With the plan behind the Army of Androids

    I read this and thought I would share. Input is invited.

    Google Android began with the greatest of intentions — freedom, openness, and quality software for all. However, freedom always comes with price, and often results in unintended consequences. With Android, one of the most important of those unintended consequences is now becoming clear as Google gets increasingly pragmatic about the smartphone market and less and less tied to its original ideals.

    Here’s the dirty little secret about Android: After all the work Apple did to get AT&T to relinquish device control for the iPhone and all the great efforts Google made to get the FCC and the U.S. telecoms to agree to open access rules as part of the 700 MHz auction, Android is taking all of those gains and handing the power back to the telecoms.

    That is likely to be the most important and far-reaching development in the U.S. mobile market in 2010. In light of the high ideals that the Android OS was founded upon and the positive movement toward openness that was happening back in 2007-2008, it is an extremely disappointing turn of events.

    When Apple convinced AT&T not to plaster its logo on the iPhone or preload it with a bunch of AT&T bloatware, it was an important first step for smartphones to emerge as independent computers that were no longer crippled by the limitations put on them by the selfish interests of the telecom carriers, who typically wanted to upsell and nickle-dime customers for every extra app and feature on the phone.

    Apple co-founder Steve Jobs said, “iPhone is the first phone where we separated the carrier from the hardware. They worry about the network, while we worry about the phone.”

    Almost for that reason alone, the iPhone was an immediate hit with customers, despite the many limitations of the first generation iPhone when it was released in June 2007.

    Later that year, Google announced the Android mobile operating system and the Open Handset Alliance. Here was Google’s statement made at the time:

    “This alliance shares a common goal of fostering innovation on mobile devices and giving consumers a far better user experience than much of what is available on today’s mobile platforms. By providing developers a new level of openness that enables them to work more collaboratively, Android will accelerate the pace at which new and compelling mobile services are made available to consumers.”

    Then in the spring of 2008, Google pulled off a brilliant coup in the U.S. government’s 700 MHz auction when it bid enough to drive up the price for Verizon and AT&T to lock into the FCC’s open access guidelines (which Google helped form). Verizon had initially fought the open access concept with legal action, but eventually made a 180-degree turnaround and trumpeted its own plans to become an open network.

    However, Verizon’s open network plans have never really materialized. To say the company is dragging its feet would be a massive understatement. The best hope for a popular, unlocked handset on Verizon was Google’s own Nexus One.

    After launching in January 2010, first with access to the T-Mobile network, the Nexus One was planned to arrive on all four of the big U.S. wireless carriers by spring. The phone was sold by Google, unlocked, for roughly $500. Then users could simply buy service (without a contract) from a wireless carrier. That’s the model that has worked so well for consumers in Europe and the Nexus One was supposed to be Google’s major initiative to start moving the U.S. in the same direction.

    Unfortunately, sales of the Nexus One were tepid and customers were frustrated by Google’s poor customer support. By the time spring rolled around, Verizon was still dragging its feet and eventually the Nexus One on Verizon was canceled and replaced with the HTC Incredible, a nice device that nonetheless completely followed the old carrier model.

    By some reports, the Open Handset Alliance is in now shambles. Members such as HTC have gone off and added lots of their own software and customizations to their Android devices without contributing any code back to the Alliance. Motorola and Samsung have begun taking the same approach. The collaborative spirit is gone — if it ever existed at all. And, Google is proving to be a poor shepherd for the wolves-in-sheep’s-clothing that make up the telecoms and the handset makers in the Alliance.

    As a result, we now have a situation where the U.S. telecoms are reconsolidating their power and putting customers at a disadvantage. And, their empowering factor is Android. The carriers and handset makers can do anything they want with it. Unfortunately, that now includes loading lots of their own crapware onto these Android devices, using marketing schemes that confuse buyers (see the Samsung Galaxy S), and nickle-and-diming customers with added fees to run certain apps such as tethering, GPS navigation, and mobile video.

    Just as Google is overwhelming the iPhone with over 20 Android handsets to Apple’s one device, so the army of Android phones that can be carrier-modified is overwhelming the one Apple phone on a single carrier that allows it to stand apart and not play the old carrier-dominated game that resulted in strong handsets weakened by the design, software, and pricing ploys of the telecoms.

    Despite the ugly truth that Android is enabling the U.S. wireless carriers to exert too much control over the devices and keep the U.S. mobile market in a balkanized state of affairs, Android remains the antithesis of the closed Apple ecosystem that drives the iPhone and so it’s still very attractive to a lot of technologists and business professionals because of it.

    But, the consequence of not putting any walls around your product is that both the good guys and the bad guys can do anything they want with it. And for Android, that means that it’s being manipulated, modified, and maimed by companies that care more about preserving their old business models than empowering people with the next great wave of computing devices.

  2. #2
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    Default Bs alert

    Apple co-founder Steve Jobs said, “iPhone is the first phone where we separated the carrier from the hardware. They worry about the network, while we worry about the phone.”
    What's that smell, did I step in something or is that just B U L L S H ! T ?! Seperate the carrier from the hardware started with APPLE?!

    Android is enabling the U.S. wireless carriers to exert too much control
    Android is doing this?! I thought it was the buyers who are enablers?! The fast growth sales of Android equipment is driving the developers to squeeze out every cent they can from the devices DESPITE the reduced cost of R&D and licensing. It's a trend, those who supply followers of the trend will make more money.

    Personally, I put the responsibility on the shoulders of the Carriers ( for what they add/remove ) and on the customers for not voting with the only method they truly have ( their money ).

    Ofcourse, buying a crippled Android phone doesn't exactly have the same long lasting effects after loading your own ROM as say buying a feature phone that has been crippled. Of course it always depends on how the device was crippled.

    The addition of marketing revenue streams that are required per the user agreement is a completely different topic.

  3. #3
    Premium Member Pac3comm1's Avatar
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    I agree 100 guest. My sediments exactly! Linux has been around for what seems like 100 years and are not only going to take over the cellular market, in my opion windows is doomed!

  4. #4
    Newb ipeverywhere's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pac3comm1 View Post
    I agree 100 guest. My sediments exactly! Linux has been around for what seems like 100 years and are not only going to take over the cellular market, in my opion windows is doomed!
    Show me ONE good company, whether it be carrier or manufacturer and I will switch to them in a heartbeat. Every company out there sucks and along with them, most technology sucks as well. The Devour!!! What a joke and an insult at the same time. If I want to social network, I'll install the stupid application myself. This is just a further example of what I like to call DIC. Douchebags In Control. Everywhere you look it's the same old games being played with a whole lot of new bull**** euphemisms.
    Last edited by ipeverywhere; 10-09-2010 at 03:30 PM.

  5. #5
    ?LOST? whitey10tc's Avatar
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    It looks like we need to add some new words to the sensor.
    While discussion here is likely to become heated I just want to remind anyone to please follow the forum rules. Please of course speak your minds, but please do so as you would expect your child to read what you write.
    Mine do..........


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