The couple who commits to an android lifestyle together stays together.- Most attendees of the Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age of Technology Met Gala theme to mean something vaguely robotic, which typically just meant the color silver. But Zayn Malik decided that covering entire limbs in metal was a more appropriate course of action.- SEE ALSO: Met Gala 2016: See all the high-tech, high-fashion looks here Zayn wore Versace, while his girlfriend, supermodel Gigi Hadid, wore Tommy Hilfiger. Hadid made sure her fingers were primarily covered in metal to ingratiate herself with her boyfriend's droid culture.- What better way to distance yourself from your boy band past than by turning into Iron Man? Image: jamie mccarthy/getty Image: kevin mazur/getty Malik reportedly left the event early, but he wasn't trying to be rude — he just had to recharge.-
