As much as we may enjoy taking a trip to the opposite side of the world every once in a while, our bodies seem to reject the notion of moving through so many time zones at once. Jet lag, the bane of globetrotters everywhere, has long kept us up or down when we’d rather be the opposite. But now, there may be a solution in the form of a sleep mask. The latest in wearables is a high-tech beauty sleep aid — the Neuroon Sleeping Mask. The brainchild of tech company Inteliclinic, this sleep mask makes use of-built-in LED lights and biometric sensors to help its wearers sleep better, both during the long plane ride and in their hotel rooms. In essence, Inteliclinic’s mask helps the body adjust to its new time zone by delivering-short bursts of light during sleep. Known as light spectrum therapy, this technique purports to give users a boost of energy that will ultimately translate to better sleep and better adjustment. The mask also provides analytics on the quality of your sleep, and features a Biorhythm Adjuster that is meant to “let you know how to adjust your sleep cycle to your changing schedule, leaving you rejuvenated and ready for the day.” Related :-Dodge baggage fees and still pack plenty with these travel bags and tips Of course, the Sleeping Mask also comes with everything you’ve come to expect of a 21st-century wearable — in particular, it has an alarm clock that works in three stages. First, its website claims, “the Neuroon Sunrise program will gradually illuminate the inside of your mask, simulating a natural sunrise, then the mask will add gentle vibrations, and finally, if you are still sleeping, an audio alarm will sound in your smartphone.” And don’t worry, the handy companion app is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. If you’re looking to buy one of these sleep masks, be prepared to spend quite the pretty penny — if you’re shipping to the U.S., the Neuroon Sleeping Mask will set you back $323 (including shipping), and should be at your doorstep in 10 weeks.
