Everyone likes free apps, but sometimes the best ones are a bit expensive. Now and then, developers put paid apps on sale for a limited time, but you have to snatch them up while you have the chance. Here are the latest and greatest apps on sale in the iOS App Store. These apps normally cost money and this sale lasts for a limited time only. If you go to the App Store and it says the app costs money, that means the deal has expired and you will be charged.- Related:- 200 Awesome iPhone Apps-|-The best Android apps for almost any occasion Optical Illusions These 153 optical illusions will keep you entertained for hours, even if you don’t have Wi-Fi. Available on: iOS How to Draw 3D Pictures You don’t need to take art classes when you download this handy app, which will help you learn to draw in 3D. Available on: iOS eDrops Drop pulses and beats with this temporarily free app that promises to help you sound like a pro. Available on: iOS MinePE Maps Search through hundreds of most popular minecraft online servers to feed your Minecraft addiction. Available on: iOS Calendars 5 This smart calendar will get you organized like never before, organizing tasks and events and running on all iOS apps. Available on: iOS GymStream This ad-free music app has all the tunes to keep you motivated at the gym. Available on: iOS Amigdala Get crime ratings based on how safe your geographic location is through the Amigdala app. Available on: iOS Baby Music It’s said that music is good for baby, and you can test out that theory with this classical music app for your newborn. Available on: iOS Locker Pro This app allows you to customize your lock screen to reflect-your mood at a moment’s notice. Available on: iOS Anime Me Turn yourself into an anime character with Anime Me. Available on: iOS Also watch: The 10 Best Tablets of 2016 Please enable Javascript to watch this video
