Augmented reality is closer than ever to becoming an everyday technology that all of us use on a regular basis. Snapchat on Wednesday rolled out a great new augmented reality feature called 3D Stickers that promises to put augmented reality in the palm of your hand. With 3D Stickers, you can pin virtual objects to real objects in videos you make and have them stick on them no matter where they move. MUST READ:- The stupidest thing Sprint has done in a long, long time To get a good idea of how this works, check out the gifs below that show how you can pin an emoji to your cat's head or an airplane to your pen and have it track their movements: The process for adding these stickers is wonderfully simple: While you're filming a video, tap on the sticker icon on the top of the screen, choose what sticker you want to use and then place it over the object you want to track. The new update is rolling out to Android first today and will be coming to iOS shortly afterward. If you're interested in learning more about this feature,- TechCrunch- has a really interesting article speculating how Snapchat developed the technology to make this happen.
