Among the several in-app features, Facebook lets-you send and receive money through Messenger.-You may-have noticed this feature-whenever you send text of a dollar amount to a friend – that number is underlined, allowing you to click on it and send over the money. The company, however, wants to take things to the next level,-and is reportedly preparing to make in-store purchases, straight from the Messenger app, a new feature. Related:- You can now hail a Lyft ride straight from Facebook Messenger The report comes from The Information, and-could see Facebook pitting itself-against the likes of Apple’s Apple Pay and Google’s Android Pay in the mobile payment business. According to-the report, the code for the iOS Messenger app references a payment service, however, little is known about how exactly payments would take place and what kinds of technology Facebook-would use. The code also references other new features, such as a so-called “secret conversations” tool. Unfortunately, that’s all we know about the feature, but-it could presumably be something similar to browsing incognito, where a chat history will be erased as soon as the conversation is over (a la Snapchat), or it could also be a reference to heightened encryption. Source code also discusses the syncing of calendars and the sharing of quotes from articles, showing that Facebook wants Messenger to be a bigger part of your day-to-day life. The company has been pushing Messenger as a platform for around a year or so now, and while it hasn’t become the smartphone hub that the company might have wanted, it has become an increasingly useful tool. Of course, considering the little-information we know about the app’s future, it could be a while before we see any of these features actually released to the public. But the-money-transfer feature was tipped off in the source code a few months before it went public, so using source code to predict-new features is not out of the question. Also watch: Facebook ads will soon look and act different thanks to Canvas Please enable Javascript to watch this video
