So, I have a Sprint BB 8330m. I'm trying to flash it to Cricket.

I have searched countless hours for solutions, but to no avail...

When I call *228 it DOES take me to cricket's automated activation hotline, but it won't activate. I believe it's because the phone is still on the Sprint PCS Network (according to the 'Services Status' on the phone).

I have written the .PRL file, added service books in legacy mode, gotten my unique MIN # and entered it under IMSI_S: in the 'CDMA Service Edit Screen'.

Here are settings I have configured:

MDN: *my mobile phone number
IMSI_S: *my unique MIN # I got from Cricket
Mobile Country Code: 310
Mobile Network Code: 00
Home SID: 5540
Home NID: 65535
MO Voice SO Home/Roam: 3
MT Voice SO Home: 3
BB Reg Id: 2004
Home System Registration: True
Foreign SID/NID Registration: True
A-Key: [I Left it Blank]
SIP User ID: *
Password: cricket

The BB is on OS
The SPC is "000000"
Network Scan Mode: Home Only

I even have access to the escreen (which doesn't seem to have hardly any editable options).

I THINK, from my research, that I need to do an IOTA Bypass.

Can this be done WITHOUT CDMA WS???

Also, the IOTA bypass file I have (the only one I could find) is a text document. What is the extension of that file supposed to be???

ANY suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

If I didn't post enough info, tell me what I need to post!!!