A consumer watchdog group has filed a complaint with the FCC accusing T-Mobile of inflating customers' bills and misleading consumers through its advertising. The Change to Win Retail Initiative is asking the FCC to investigate T-Mobile's business practices. The organization alleges that T-Mobile enrolls customers in unwanted add-on services without permission, and that retail sales staff are pressured to tack on the add-ons (device insurance, unlimited data) in order to avoid poor performance reviews. The group complains that T-Mobile's "no contract" marketing is misleading, as service plans are paired with monthly device financing costs. Last, the group says T-Mobile misleads customers about its offer to repay ETFs, including "the method, timing and eligibility for reimbursement" of fees when switching from competing carriers. Change to Win's complaint follows a similar one lodged against the Uncarrier in December by several other consumer action groups. T-Mobile has not responded to the latest allegations, and the FCC has not publicly commented on Change to Win's complaint.
